GDC for curious minds
Brainy Gamer Podcast - GDC '11 audio diary 1

Come with me to GDC

ZoomH4 I'm leaving for GDC soon, and this year I've decided to try something different. In the past, I've written about sessions I've attended (and I'll continue that this year), but those essays hardly account for the broader experience of being at GDC and taking in all the hectic goodness it has to offer. 

So this year I'm bringing my trusty Zoom H4 recorder, and I'll use it to capture the the sounds of GDC, as well as the people who make the event such an unforgettable experience. I'm not permitted to record formal sessions, but I'll cover those as posts.

If you've listened to my podcasts, you'll find these audio diaries much more informal and off-the-cuff. My goal is to convey a sense of what it's like to be at GDC from a single attendee's perspective, so I'll hit the record button whenever I find something worth sharing. Then I'll piece them together with minimal editing, clean up the audio a bit, and post them.

GDC is the largest annual gathering of game developers in the world. If you care about games and the people who make them, this is the place to be. Sadly, few non-developers have the opportunity to attend. I'm one of those lucky few and grateful for the chance. I hope my audio diaries will give you a glimpse of what it's like to attend GDC, from arriving in San Francisco to collapsing in a heap back home on Saturday.

Thanks for reading and listening!
