If you collect games...
October 25, 2007
...and you're a Mac user (okay, now I'm down to the last handful of you still reading), I have good news for you. Before I go on, I'll ask you to overlook the "Now how much would you pay?...but wait, there's more!" nature of this post. I have no stake whatsoever in this product, and I have never endorsed any software on this blog...aside from subliminal promotion of the Linux operating system. Ubuntu. Ubuntu.
I've been testing a game cataloging application called Gamepedia that is making me a very happy game collector. Getting your game library into this program is a snap. You can enter a title and have the program download the data, or you can use your built-in iSight camera to scan the UPC and the program will take care of the rest. You can do customizable HTML exports, and all your info is integrated into Spotlight. You can also easily add relevant info from other sources:
(from Gamepedia's website) You just started playing a new game and already found three different walk-throughs, a great cheat page and some awesome screenshots. How are you going to keep track of all these sites? Link them to your entry in Gamepedia. Just drag any URL into the Links tab of the Edit window and it'll automatically become part of the entry. Or write the URL directly into the field provided. Then when you want to get back to a site at a later point, click the View button and pronto - the site loads straight into Gamepedia's info view.
Gamepedia is made and supported by a 2-person development team that politely and promptly responds to email support questions. You can download a fully functional version of the application for free. If you decide to buy it, it'll cost you $18. For serious gamers with sizable game collections, this application is like gravy on a biscuit. Good stuff.
I'm unaware of comparable applications for Windows or Linux, so if you know of any, please post a comment and I'll be sure to update my post to include them.