Things go well with Rebecca, even after the phone call. As it turns out, she was one of the girls you approached right before you blacked out. She seems nice, and after some Facebook creeping, you decide she is pretty attractive (a hard 8/soft 9).\n\nShe's also fairly intelligent, but is also very busy with school and her sorority. There's a chance that she has something else going on with her life that will bar her from going at such short notice to your formal. Also, you haven't truly met this girl, so she may be crazy... Her pictures on Facebook certainly make her look damn good, but there's something off with her eyes that make you wonder about this woman. You can either [[ask her to formal|Rebecca Rejection]] or see what [[other options are available to you|Square One 2]] and keep things friendly with Rebecca.
You walk up to a group of girls and try to start up a conversation, but it doesn't come to anything. You decide maybe now is a good time to [[go to the bar|Bar]] or maybe just [[calling it a night|Square One]]. After all, it does take a lot to try and talk to women after not being around them for a majority of the week.
Being in a fraternity, you realize that you have a formal coming up soon and you really need a date. Luckily, there's a party coming up soon and you might be able to find a date there, but you go to an all-male college, so the prospect of finding a "suitable" date isn't high, especially with such short notice.\n\nUnfortunately there's a test on Monday (the party is Saturday night) and you haven't studied and you could put Saturday night to good use for your academics.\n\nAs Saturday rolls around, you have a decision to make [[either go to the party | Party]] or [[study for the test|Test]].
Your academics are obviously very important to you and you ace your exam, but you still don't have a date. You could [[ask a friend|Friend]] from back home (again). You could [[go solo|Solo]] and have a nice hotel room all to yourself. Or you could [[ask one of your brothers|Brother]] to see if he could set you up with a date.
Your brothers tell you that they really don't remember seeing you with any girls, although one guy swears up and down you "got with" a dime last night. You decide to [[call the number|Rebecca]] or instead of an awkward phone conversation, see what other [[options are available|Square One]].
You decide to take a safe bet here and call your old friend Jordy. You two have been friends for as long as you can remember. She's a lot of fun, especially when she's drunk. She's a pretty good dancer too and since you have gone to a formal with her before, you know about what to expect. No awkwardness, but also no cuddling in any sort of manner. She was the girl you used to have a big crush on but she "just wanted to be friends" so you left it at that.\n\nYou [[call her up|Jordy]] and she answers, knowing that you have been looking for a date...\n
Figuring that trying to find a date was a little too difficult at this point, you decided a night on the town with your brothers would be fine. Sure, the hotel room would be rather lonely, but free booze at the bar during the dance will more than make up for it!\n\nBut you completely failed at finding a date because you simply gave up... You failed my game... Literally every other outcome involved a date with a WOMAN! Something I guess you have forgotten about since you came to Wabash...
It's Thursday night, formal is Saturday, so you give Rebecca a call.\n\nShe answers with "DID YOU FIND A DATE TO YOUR FORMAL YET?!?"\n\nYou reply that you had not, and ask her, which she is more than happy to agree to...\n\nShe then demands that you come see her straight away. She goes to school at Purdue, so you drive up there. She takes you to a Men's Warehouse and buys you a sharp name brand tux (Ralph Lauren to be exact) and a red tie (she gives it some other name but to you, being a guy, it's red). She has the perfect dress in mind and takes you to another store you have never heard of and buys a matching dress. You're in a state of shock but decide to [[roll with it|Rebecca Formal]]
So the party ended up being a bust and you passed the test by the skin of your teeth and now formal is even closer! You consider your options and decide there are three. You could [[go solo|Solo]], [[ask one of your brothers|Brother]] to set you up, or see if any of your [[old girl friends can go|Friend]].
Finding a Date for Formal
Several months later, you find out you have herpes.
You call and a pleasant voice answers.\n\n"Hello?"\n\nAssuming this is Rebecca you answer,\n\n"Hello. Rebecca? I honestly don't remember last night at all, think you can fill me in from your point of view?"\n\nShe starts laughing and says,\n\n"I can't say I remember much except for having a great time!"\n\nYou respond,\n\n"Well that makes two of us!"\n\nCould this be the girl you could take to formal? You end up thinking about it and decide to either politely [[end the phone call|Square One]] or [[see what happens next|Rebecca 2]] and continue the conversation.
Within an hour she replies:\n\nHey, yeah, I would love to go! It seems like it will be a good time and getting to know each other would be a lot of fun! Funny story, I actually almost called you today as I was putting your number in my phone... Would have made things interesting right off the bat... Anyway, how about we meet before formal? I think it's difficult to get to know someone through Facebook or text. I hope you don't mind! I'm free Saturday, all day and think it would be great if we could do something before that night! Talk to you soon! \n\nP.S. Text me your reply, it was an afterthought for me to do that... Sorry.\n\nYou reply that it sounds like a great idea and make pleasant small talk leading up to Saturday. Things are good and you get the feeling that Cynthia is not crazy and is a genuine person who will be a lot of fun to hang out with. You know it won't be a night of debauchery because you're actually considering seeing this girl after formal... Just have to see what happens!\n\n[[Formal|Formal]]
She replies three hours later:\n\nOh honey, I'm so sorry, but I forgot that my parents are coming down and I can't cancel on them! I'm sure you will find a date and I'm also sure you're not weird! Good luck! Also, don't take offense to me deleting you on Facebook since we're not going to formal!\n\nYou go to formal alone, get really drunk and remember nothing of what actually happened. Your brothers decide you need some help talking to women and decide that they're going to the local Coyote Ugly (strip club) and they force you to go. You don't find help there...
She replies several hours later:\n\nI'm not going with you, creep. Never contact me again.\n\nLooks like you're going to formal solo, but more than likely, you'll pick up some other date during your night or some random in the street and things will end with more than a [[cuddle session|Post]]... \n\n
You make it over to the bar and the bartender promptly serves you with tonight's special, Jungle Juice. You have had this wonderful concoction before, and know exactly how potent it is and slam one cup down. You think you [[could have another|Drunk]] before talking to the ladies, or see if you have loosened up at all and [[mingle with the single ladies|Party 2]].
Asking a brother has always been something you have wanted to try. It is a bit of a risk, not actually knowing your date, but you're a risk taker and looking for a good time with someone you just met, what's the worst that can happen??\n\nYou ask one of your brothers to ask his girlfriend (who is in a sorority, because, you know most sorority girls are pretty good looking) and within a day she gives you the name "Cynthia Becker" to which you promptly check her out on Facebook. This girl is definitely cute, but you can't quite place your finger on why. You decide to go with her for two reasons. One is that you like this brother and know that a double date with him and his girlfriend will be fun. Two is that you have no idea what this girl could be like meaning that the hotel room you two have together that evening could be a lot of fun... or not... and in this questionable sense of morals and potential debauchery, you [[add this girl on Facebook|New Date]]
You have never been in this situation in your life. You just added a girl you don't know on Facebook and you have one chance to make a good, charming, impression on her with this Facebook message. This could be the determining factor to whether or not you have a date to formal or not!\n\n[[Message 1|Message 1]]: Hey Cynthia, I have an upcoming formal and my brother's girlfriend recommended you to me. She said you're a lot of fun to be around and I think we can have a good time at this little shindig! It's a one night thing, but I thought it would be fun to get to know each other before hand, hopefully making things less awkward when formal does come around! Anyway, if it's any easier for you, here's my phone number, feel free to text me!\n\n[[Message 2|Message 2]]: I'M BEGGING YOU TO BE MY DATE! YOU'RE REALLY HOT AND I NEED A DATE! PLEASE GO WITH ME! I SWEAR I'M NOT WEIRD!\n\n[[Message 3|Message 3]] 6'00" 180 7.5" let me know if you're interested for a night with this.
You don't exactly remember what happened at formal... It's a haze of hammered with a few incidents involving the porcelain gods and possibly the dance floor. All you know is that Rebecca is a god and you are some mortal at her beckoning... You do know that condoms were used at all times (and you think that there were many) but she is so impressed that you were able to hold it together better than any other date she has ever had that you two become an item that lasts for the rest of college. Yes, college doesn't exactly last much longer for you, but it's the best six months of your life. You flunk out of Wabash, but your girlfriend is rich and her dad likes you so, you're set, you lucky bastard.
Saturday arrives and Rebecca comes to your doorstep with a limo in tow to take the two of you to formal. You have your tux and she has her dress and a fully stocked bar that would make The Most Interesting Man In The World jealous. You already know you're just along for the ride at this point, I mean, she already bought the single nicest thing in your wardrobe... \n\n[[Formal|Formal With Rebecca]]
So the party ended up being a bust with the exception of your new friend. You passed the test by the skin of your teeth and now formal is even closer! You consider your options and decide there are four. You could [[go solo|Solo]], [[ask one of your brothers|Brother]] to set you up, see if any of your [[old girl friends can go|Friend]], or wait until the last minute and [[ask Rebecca|Rebecca Yes]].
You have another cup of Jungle Juice, and decide to just ride it until you can't anymore. In total, you have about 7 cups, just the right amount of social lubricant, or so you think as you stumble over to a group that appears to be composed of women (your last memory...).\n\nYou wake up, head pounding, bladder bursting, and a phone number written in marker on the back of your hand with the name "Rebecca" written above it. You promptly look around and discover you made it into your own bed but there is no one else in the room (your roommate went home for the weekend to study for the same test you decided to not take seriously). You take care of your hangover and put the number in your phone and wonder if you should [[call the number|Rebecca]] or see if your brothers know what shenanigans you were up to [[last night|Party Recap]].
"You dumbass, why didn't you call me sooner?!? Of course I'll go!" She says, without saying hello.\n\n"Awesome!" you reply, giving her the time and place of the formal. You're a little dissappointed in yourself, but you know that you'll have a good time and good company. You're also relieved you have a good looking date and no longer have to worry about going alone!\n\nFormal was everything with Jordy that you knew it would be. A good reliable date like her, is fun, but you feel like you missed something... Guess you will never know.\n\n
Formal with Cynthia was a blast! Both of you got drunk and you found out she's a good dancer! Turns out, she's quite smart and can hold her own in some intellectual conversations that Wabash men so often find themselves in. You like this girl and while nothing happens in the bedroom, you are quite thankful for it. You ask her if she likes football to which she replies\n\n"Only if the team I'm cheering for is good!"\n\nTo which you reply\n\n"Well, I think we're pretty good... but the other team, they swallow if that tells you anything!"\n\nShe goes with you to the Monon Bell game and nothing could have been better.
After having your drink, you walk over to a group of girls and try to start up a conversation, but nothing really happens. Apparently you're still kind of awkward after one drink. You do go to an all-male college after all... You decide to [[go to bed|Square One]] or [[drink more|Drunk]]
Campbell Higbie
Fuck exams anyway, it's early in the semester and you can make up for it later. The party appears to be quite good, there's almost an even girl/guy ratio! You're feeling a little anxious about approaching a girl to strike up conversation, you could [[go to the bar|Bar]] at the party and start drinking to relax those nerves or try and [[start a conversation|Party Fail]]. What's the worst that could happen?
You decide to ask Rebecca to your formal, but as you thought, she can't due to a prior social function she has with her sorority. She regretfully declines, but you have a suspicion that this is not the last you will be seeing of her during this process...\n\nYou now have a choice to make since this fell through. Either [[going solo|Solo]], [[asking one of your brothers to find you a date|Brother]] or [[asking one of your friends from back home|Friend]] to go with you.